My registers aren’t working…

Setting: Establishment that runs approx 16 hour days

Employee: My registers aren’t working.

So I go through the basics, ask if he’s getting an error message

Employee: My registers aren’t working. is all he responds.

Me: Ok!
I think, and go about trying to get in remotely. I ping out to the server in the store – no response. I try to connect – no response. So now I know something might be going on with the server. I ask him this, and ask if he knows where the server is

Employee: Yes.

that’s it – just “yes”.
Me: Ok, can we go to the server?

Employee: You want me to go to the server?

Me: Yes, we need to go to the server, to check a few things out

Employee: But its in the basement
(Florida doesn’t have basements but that wasn’t for me to correct said employee at this time)

Me: Ok, great!

Employee: But, its in the basement

Me: Yep, that’s good, we need to go down into the basement to check out the server

10 minutes later, I finally convince him to get down to the basement. I than begin to explain to him what the server looks like, where it might be located, etc, all he says is “Ok”.

I wait, I figure he’s trying to find it, maybe 2-3 minutes later I say
Me: Did you find the server?

dude freaks out, “HELLO?! Who is this?!”
*this is the same exact guy, the same guy I’ve been on the phone with 25 minutes. I explain to him*

Me: I’m with your I.T. company – did you find the server?

Employee: It’s in the basement

30 minutes later, he still hasn’t found the server, I’m not even sure if he’s in the basement, the registers are still down, and there’s just silence on the other end of the line. After 5 minutes of dead air and me continuously saying “Hello?” I had to disconnect.

*After typing up long winded email to owner stating what / who / why I just spoke with them and what troubleshooting steps I attempted. *