Irate about porn

There was a gentleman that came in. He was seriously upset but also seemed a bit drunk. Can’t verify the veracity of inebriation but it appeared that way to me.

He plopped his G4 tower (mac) on the counter, complete with keyboard, and proceed to yell that he couldn’t boot the thing to access his porn. He proceeded to checked the machine in and he left.

I left the keyboard on the check in table.

I booted his machine and was immediately met with some of the most hardcore porn ever. The gentlemanscomputer was filled with it. Desktop picture was something that was only possible during a porn shoot.

I quickly shut the monitor off because we co-op an office space and the door was open.

I marked the machine as an after hours fix and created a ticket.

About an hour later Tech 4 grabbed the keyboard and started asking why I had left it here. I laughed and told him it’s because he was too cheap to buy me latex gloves to touch that thing. He didn’t quite get it until I told him which keyboard the customer belonged to and the story behind it. He promptly dropped the keyboard and washed his hands for fifteen minutes.

Reason the customer couldn’t access anything, you ask? The keyboard had liquid damage to it and it wouldn’t work anymore. Needles to say we did not rid the machine of the viruses / malware, just offered a new keyboard replacement and closed the ticket.