BitLocker – Ungrateful Employee

I get an emailed ticket about a computer being locked out.

User 2: User1’s computer is locked by bitlocker. Please fix this.

Me: Please have User1 contact IT at #######

User2. Please call user1.
*I call User2 – no answer – voicemail, left message*

Me: User1 uses a skype for business phone, if they can’t log into their computer they can’t answer the phone. I have no other valid number for user1

User2: Please call their cell phone.

Me: I don’t have that number.
*I call user 2, no answer – Left voicemail*

User2: This is really urgent, we need this computer unlocked immediately.

Me: Then you need to have the end user call IT IMMEDIATELY.

User2: It’s been 45 minutes and we haven’t received a call.

Me: I’m CC’ing your manager because you’ve yet to provide a good call back number or answer your own phone.

User2: We’re really busy here, just unlock it so we can get to work.
*called user 2, no answer – left voicemail*

Me: Closing ticket for refusal to troubleshoot.

User2: You can’t close my ticket, the computer is still locked.

User2: The computer is still locked.

User2: You’re a piece of sh*t. Just unlock the computer.

User2: I’m getting really pissed off.

Me: The owner is still CC’d on this ticket – Screenshots have been sent.

User2: I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it.

Me: Ticket remains closed.

User2: FU&* YOU.